fork me in github

.rultor.yml Reference

Rultor is configured solely through the YAML .rultor.yml file stored in the root directory of your Github repository. There is no control or management panel. Everything you want to say to Rultor is placed into your .rultor.yml file. The file is mandatory, but all content is optional.

This page contains a complete reference of YAML instructions in alphabetic order.

BTW, you can see a real-life configuration in jcabi project: rultor.yml.


You may wish to define a role of an architect in your project, who will supervise all merge/release/deploy commands. No command of that kind will be executed without his confirmation:

  - yegor256

This is enough to tell Rultor to ask for confirmation before running a build.


Very often, you want to add secret files to the directory of your build, right before it starts. For example, a file with database credentials that should be deployed to production. You don't want to keep this file in the main repository since it contains sensitive information, not intended to be accessible by all programmers.

Put it into another private Github repository and inform Rultor that he has to fetch it from there:

  secret.xml: "yegor256/secret-repo#assets/settings.xml"

This configuration tells Rultor that it needs to fetch assets/settings.xml from yegor256/secret-repo and place it into the secret.xml file right before starting a build.

Keep in mind that every builds starts in /home/r/repo directory, while assets are placed one folder up in the directory tree, in /home/r. This is how the directory layout looks:

      ...your other files...

Don't forget to add @rultor to the list of collaborators in your private repository. Otherwise Rultor won't be able to fetch anything from it.

The repository you're fetching assets from must contain .rultor.yml where friends section should include the name of repository where these assets are used, for example:

  - yegor256/rultor
  - jcabi/*


You may want to keep your secret assets right inside your main repository. In this case, in order to keep them secret, you should encrypt them using rultor remote:

$ gem install rultor
$ rultor encrypt -p me/test secret.txt

Here me/test is the name of your Github project.

This code encrypts secret.txt file. You will get a new file secret.txt.asc. Commit this file to your repository — nobody will be able to read it, except Rultor server itself.

Then, instruct Rultor to decrypt it before running your build:

  secret.txt: "repo/scrt/secret.txt.asc"

This configuration tells Rultor to get scrt/secret.txt.asc from the root directory of your repository, decrypt it and save the result into secret.txt. You can access it from your script as ../secret.txt. In other words, you can access it at ../secret.txt, relative to the repository root from where your script is executed.

Docker Image

The default Docker image used for all commands is yegor256/rultor.

You can change it to, say, ubuntu:12.10:

  image: "ubuntu:12.10"

You can also use your own Dockerfile and build your own Docker image, right before the build. Put Dockerfile in some directory in the repository together with all other Docker files (if you need them) and provide a location of that directory:

  directory: repo/my-docker-image

Environment Variables

You can specify environment variables common for all commands, for example:

  MAVEN_OPTS: "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx1g"
    - "mvn clean install"
    - "mvn clean deploy"

In this example, MAVEN_OPTS environment variable will be set for merging and deploying commands.

These environment variables will be available for you by default:

  • author: GitHub login of the user who sent the request to Rultor

Install Script

You can specify script instructions common for all commands, for example:

  - "sudo apt-get install texlive"
    - "latex ..."
    - "latex ..."

In this example, texlive package will be installed before merge and before deploy commands execution.


By default, anyone can see your build logs. This may not be desired for private projects. To grant access to your logs only for a selected list of users, use this construct:

  - "urn:github:526301"
  - "urn:github:8086956"
  - ...

Every user is specified as a URN, where his Github account number stays right after urn:github:. You can get your Github account number by logging into and moving mouse over your name, at the top of the page.

Run As Root

By default, we create a new user r in Docker container and run your scripts from it. You can instruct Rultor to run everything as root:

  as_root: true

This may be a useful option when you are using a custom Docker container with something different from Ubuntu inside. Switching to a user r may not work smoothly under CentOS, for example. In this case, just use root.


By default, Rultor uses its own servers to run your builds. You can change that by providing your own SSH coordinates:

  port: 22
  key: ./keys/id_rsa
  login: test

Your servers must have docker installed. This is the only requirement.

Merge, Deploy, Release

Three commands merge, deploy and release are configured similarly in .rultor.yml. For example:

merge: # or "deploy" or "release"
    - jeff
    - walter
    MAVEN_OPTS: "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx512m"
    - "sudo apt-get install graphviz"
    - "mvn clean install"

Environment variables have to be configured, as an associative array with names of variables as keys, in the env property.

Executable script is configured as a list of texts. They will be executed one by one. If any of them fails, execution stops.

The list of Github accounts able to give commands to Rultor is specified in commanders. By default, only Github repository collaborators can give commands. Configured commanders don't replace collaborators. In other words, Github collaborators and accounts mentioned here are allowed to give commands.

There are a few additional configurable parameters for merge section:

  script: |
    echo "testing..."
    echo "building..."
    echo "packaging..."
  squash: true
  fast-forward: default

squash option may be set to true or false (default).

fast-forward may be either default (--ff argument for Git), only (--ff-only) or no (--no-ff). More information about it here.

rebase option may be set to true or false (default). If it's set to true, your fork branch will be "rebased" from origin before the merge.

Uninstall Script

When you need some script to be executed at the end of every command (no matter what the result of that command is), you can configure it via uninstall:

install: |
  # create a new EC2 instance
  script: |
    # use EC2 instance for testing
uninstall: |
  # destroy EC2 instance

This mechanism can be useful when you want to free certain resources, created during installation.